Hone the predictive analytics skills needed to join the next generation of elite data analysts with the 统计与数据科学理学硕士 在威尼斯赌场网站 福克斯商学院. This 30-credit graduate degree utilizes an innovative curriculum with classes offered in-person on Temple's Main Campus. Students have the option to earn their degree on a part- or full-time basis, 这取决于他们的工作安排.
通过完成这个学位, master’s students gain advanced expertise in the use and application of cutting-edge analytical tools and software to collect, 分析和解释数据. Other skills gained through this program include the ability to
- effectively communicate insights and results of analyses in managerially relevant terms;
- explain the applications, assumptions and limitations of data science models and techniques;
- obtain information and insight from large, high-complexity datasets; and
- understand the fundamental methods behind and usage of descriptive, 预测性和规定性分析.
在瞬息万变的分析和数据科学世界, employer demand for analytics-enabled graduates continues to grow, including an increased demand for graduates with a wide array of analytics skill sets. 的 统计与数据科学理学硕士 is intended for any highly motivated student with a background in linear algebra and programming seeking a more technically challenging program offering additional computational and mathematical skills.